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Did a hacker steal $100 million from Harmony's horizon bridge?

A hacker has exploited a vulnerability to steal $100 million from Harmony’s Horizon Bridge, which allows users to transfer their crypto assets from . Harmony, the U.S. crypto startup behind Horizon, said on Friday that it was notified of a “malicious attack” on its proprietary Horizon blockchain bridge on Thursday.

How much bitcoin is Binance holding?

In fact, metrics from indicate that Binance’s bitcoin reserves reached an all-time high on Nov. 19, 2022, as the trading platform holds roughly 582,054 bitcoin worth $9.62 billion using bitcoin’s exchange rate on Nov. 20, 2022.

Did harmony get a'malicious attack' on Horizon blockchain bridge?

Harmony, the U.S. crypto startup behind Horizon, said on Friday that it was notified of a “malicious attack” on its proprietary Horizon blockchain bridge on Thursday. Blockchain bridges, also known as cross-chain bridges, facilitate communication between different blockchains and allow users to send assets from one chain to the other.

What is BTCB on Binance smart chain?

BTCB on Binance Smart Chain is like bitcoin on steroids, except it's not bitcoin. While your bitcoin is locked, you can use BTCB to experience the different dApps from the BSC ecosystem.

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